Look Up – YouTube video about Buildings & Mental Health

During the first lockdown our Co-Director, Sam Dunstan, created a short video about mental health, buildings and memory. Commissioned for the Doncopolitan YouTube channel and voiced by Levi Payne, Look Up! takes the point of view of a character struggling with trying to look up in a time pushing him down, down, down.

This video is featured on The Growth House’s YouTube channel. The Growth House featured in other blogs with their last project, Our Man Frank. We love seeing our members try new avenues and niches to expand their practice both artistically and commercially.

Check Out LOOK UP! Here

With the roadmap to the end of lockdown now public, we are going to start thinking about getting back to ‘Business as Usual’. Let’s not forget all the learning we have done over the last year.

‘Big Picture’ excercises like ‘Look Up’ or personal and professional realisations about the worth of your time, your value and your work are all important and could have only been possible during a turbulent time such as this. It’s important to carry those lessons forward.


If you haven’t already, make some time today to do some gratitude journalling for 2020. Everything you are thankful for from “the little messages from a friend” to “seeing how much my employer truly valued me”. Gratitude has been proven to be good for your mental health and gives you the chance to remember and process the lessons you learnt last year. We can’t all make ‘Look Up!’ style YouTube videos about Doncaster buildings (though you should, they are lovely!), we can do our own self reflection.

If your self reflection made you realise some things about your career, business, finance or anything else and you need help – let us know!

We’d love to hear from you.